The Process of The Legal Expert Witness Network is built on experience that covers almost four decades of working with expert witnesses. (Yes, even before Daubert.)
Our CEO, Laurie Newman Gallagher, Esq., first started working with expert witnesses even before entering law school. As a pre-law intern, Laurie worked with a law firm on the Agent Orange class action.
The Value of a Journalism Background
Laurie Newman Gallagher is also a veteran journalist who graduated from The University of Alabama School of Communications with a B.A. in Journalism. She has learned to apply the traditional journalist questions, WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY & HOW, to The Process of finding and vetting expert witnesses. Gathering this information from attorneys at the beginning of the process is critical to getting it right. Our proprietary process includes an intake method that ensures the collection of all pertinent data from the attorney. Much of this process is gleaned our own experience in finding and vetting expert witnesses as attorneys. Having the critical criteria from the beginning of The Process helps us focus our search on the best expert witness candidates.

The Research Process
Once the pertinent information is gathered, our research begins. The Process includes the use of our proprietary methods which have been honed through the decades as research methods have evolved. Can you imagine expert witness research without Google? Or even without Westlaw and Lexis? Yes, we did that! And, we still do! When those digital methods are not producing the best results, we'll turn back to our own data. Our internal resources are the key to our success in finding the best expert witness for your case.
We vet expert witness candidates to closely match your criteria and also with your driver in mind. If you prefer an industry expert witness as opposed to a professor, we direct our resources in that direction first. If your driver is a geographical preference, we look in that region. If cost is the driver, we stay within your specified parameters.
Throughout The Process we don't just search for expert witnesses. We REsearch. Matching objective criteria is just the beginning of The Process. The research reads between the lines. "Omnem movere lapidem."
"To leave no stone unturned."